Procurement Listing

Id Title Description OpenDate CloseDate Status
152579 HVAC Ducted Air Scenting/Odor Neutralization Cherokee Nation Entertainment, LLC is soliciting sealed bids to furnish a proposal for HVAC Ducted Air Scenting/Odor Neutralization. See Section III Statement of Work for details. Spreadsheet has 3 tabs. 08/22/2024 09/13/2024 Active
152578 Solicitation A10-08-247-7644- Housing Rehab- Delaware County Rehab repairs include carpentry, drywall and finish, electrical, flooring, paint and finish, and plumbing. 08/22/2024 08/29/2024 Archive
152577 Solicitation A10-08-24-7654- Housing Rehab- Rogers County Rehab repairs include carpentry, concrete, and plumbing. 08/22/2024 08/27/2024 Archive
152576 Solicitation A10-08-24-7651- Housing Rehab- Tulsa County Rehab repairs include site work and plumbing. 08/22/2024 08/27/2024 Archive
152575 Solicitation A10-04-24-7391- Housing Rehab- Cherokee County Rehab repairs include carpentry, drywall and finish, electrical, flooring, hazard reduction, plumbing, roofing, and thermal protection. 08/22/2024 08/27/2024 Archive
152574 RFP: MANAGED SERVICES PROVIDER The Cherokee Nation is accepting sealed proposals from interested parties with previous experience and knowledge to provide and serve as the provider for managed care services for staffing at Cherokee Nation Health Facilities. The scope of work and specif... 08/21/2024 09/17/2024 Archive
152573 Solicitation A1-05-24-7487- Housing Rehab- Muskogee County Rehab repairs include carpentry, roofing, and fireplace. 08/21/2024 08/28/2024 Archive
152572 Test Bid - NOT A VALID BID Test 08/21/2024 08/24/2024 Archive
152571 Solicitation A10-05-24-7486- Housing Rehab- Muskogee County Rehab repairs include appliances, carpentry, electrical, flooring, paint and finish, plumbing, sheetmetal and gutters, and site work. 08/21/2024 08/28/2024 Archive
152570 CN Catoosa Child Development Center Sealed bids are being solicited for CN Catoosa Child Development Center. Please see attachment on Documents tab for Bid Book. 08/21/2024 09/17/2024 Active